Our friendly gym team will create a tailored 45 minute exercise programme for you. Book your induction by calling 01773 825285 or speaking to a member of the team.
All gym sessions are supervised and must be booked in advance.
Student 11+ supervised gym sessions are only available to Student 11+ members. Join online for £29.99 per month + £10 joining fee and get access to FREE swimming and weekend racket sports.

Student 11+ Supervised Gym Sessions
Monday - Friday
Saturday & Sunday
Each session is 45 minutes
General Terms and Conditions of Use
All participants must undergo an Induction prior to attending a session. Inductions are required to be pre booked.
The parent/legal guardian must complete the online joining.
Specific times will be allocated for Sessions, participants will only be permitted to use the facilities at these set times. A member of the Trilogy Active team will be present during the session times. All session times are subject to change.
Sessions are required to be pre booked, participants cannot attend without a valid booking. Penalties may be issued if a pre booked session is neither attended nor cancelled following the cancellation policy.
Neither Trilogy Active nor its employees can be held responsible for any child not attending a session when they have booked to do so or leaving a session early. Should this happen the parent/ guardian will not be contacted by a Trilogy Active team member.
If you as the parent / guardian wish to have attendance information regarding your child you must inform a Trilogy Active team member of the emergency password provided on your welcome call.
Due to Safeguarding Requirements participants are not permitted to use the shower facilities in the Gym. Alternatively, they may have access to other showers within the centre. Please ask a Team Member for details. Participants are allowed 5 minutes to change at the end of the session after which time all participants should have vacated the Gym.
Exercise programmes are allocated to participants according to their age/height/ weight etc. Changes to their programmes MUST be authorised by a qualified Trilogy Active team member only.
The Gym will also be open to customers and members Gym during the operational hours of the sessions. Participants are required to follow the Attendance Guidelines at all times and behave in an appropriate, courteous and polite manner. The guidelines are available upon request. Anyone not following the above guidelines may be asked to end their session and vacate Belper Leisure Centre. If we feel that these issues disrupt the class/session or put themselves or others in jeopardy then parent/guardian may be informed.
Participants are not permitted to enter the Health Suite. Any participants found in the Health Suite may be prohibited from attending future sessions.
Participants must not misuse or intentionally damage any equipment within the Gym or other areas of Belper Leisure Centre.
Participants will be issued with their initial TGS Key and membership card, these remain the responsibility of the participant any replacements need to be purchased at the current rate from reception.
Trilogy Active will not accept any liability for any damage, loss or harm, however caused, directly or indirectly by or to any other participant. It is the nature of sports activities that even with the safely organized sessions some minor injuries are possible.
We reserve the right for any of our Team Members employed to exclude any participant from the sessions if they cause any disruption whatsoever, make any threats, act in a violent or threatening manner or for any other act which the member of staff considers inappropriate in their absolute discretion. In this event the member of staff may contact the parent/ guardian who will collect the participant from Belper Leisure Centre promptly.
These Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time without prior notice at the Manager’s discretion.
Sessions must be pre-booked online or within the gym.
Maximum 30 participants per session
Please note: 11-15 years are not allowed access to Health Suite or Showers and are asked to refrain from using a mobile or music device whilst in the gym.