Activity On Referral
'Activity on Referral' is a county wide scheme whereby GP's and Health Professionals can refer physically inactive people onto a tailor-made exercise programme to assist and support them to make healthier lifestyle choices.
How does it work?

If your GP or Health Professional feels your health or medical condition would benefit from you becoming more active, you could be referred to us here at Northampton Leisure trust.
The scheme provides a 12 week programme of physical activity, delivered by qualified fitness professionals at Trilogy Leisure. You start by having a consultation with a fitness instructor who will design an exercise plan tailored to suit you and which will encourage you to build up your weekly activity levels. All our instructors understand the needs of people with health conditions and will know the best and safest forms of exercise for you. You will be supported throughout the scheme with contact points and two reviews at 6 and 12 weeks.
For the duration of the scheme you will also enjoy access to the gyms, swimming pools, studio exercise classes (some restrictions apply), health suites, 50+ Activity programme, walking sport sessions and cinema across all five of our sites.
Who is it for?

To be eligible for the scheme you must be; over the age of 16, inactive, and suffer from a medical condition that would benefit from a programme of exercise. You may qualify for the scheme if you are:
Suffer from Stress or Depression
Have Type 2 Diabetes
Have problems with your Cholesterol
Have a family history of Heart Disease
Are suffering from Impaired Strength or Mobility
Are in the process of Quitting Smoking?
Have a High Blood Pressure
Have a Neurological Condition
Click here to see the list of Referral Criteria
Getting Referred

If you think you are eligible for the scheme then you need to contact you GP practice and ask about being referred onto the programme.
Once referred onto the scheme by your GP, Practice Nurse or other Health Professional you will contacted by us to book in for a consultation with a fitness instructor. The instructor will carry out some simple health checks, discuss your choice of activities and then write you an exercise programme specific to your goals.
For more information about the scheme (this goes to FAQ page – see below)
Alan's Story...

Around 9 years ago I suffered a heart attack whilst living in West London. As part of my recovery I received cardiac rehab and this meant I also started using a gym. However,
When I moved to Northamptonshire a few years ago I stopped exercising and my weight went back up again.
In addition to the weight gain, I also had a worrying blood glucose level result and my GP warned me about the high risk of developing type two diabetes. I knew I needed to take action and while I was looking into fitness facilities I heard about the ‘Activity on Referral’ scheme through Trilogy gyms. I asked my GP to refer me and very soon after I was contacted by Trilogy to arrange a consultation.
During my consultation I discussed my main concerns; getting my weight down and controlling my sugar levels. From there, the instructor (Dominic) took me through a tailored exercise programme and made me feel very welcome in the gym environment. This was very important to me as I had some apprehensions about attending the gym again (it took several goes to open the door for the first time). What I found very gratifying was being able, at any time, to speak to any of the instructors, who I counted as friends, for advice or progress support.
Since attending Trilogy, I have lost 20kgs, my blood sugar levels have reduced, my sleeping habits have improved and I have changed my whole outlook on fitness. The high point was getting back into the gym and the realization that I was able to take back control of my health.
Being on the ‘Activity on Referral’ scheme meant I could go to the gym, swim and attend classes at any time. I’ve had a good experience and would encourage anyone who feels their level of fitness is compromised in any way to join. Trilogy are very supportive and the whole experience is good for your well-being and confidence. It is also excellent value.

What is Activity on Referral?
The Northamptonshire Activity on Referral scheme offers exercise sessions tailored to your individual needs and is offered at various venues throughout Northamptonshire. Now that you have been referred by your health professional you can use this information leaflet to choose and then book your preferred programme at a venue local to you.
How long is the scheme?
Activity on Referral is your introduction to exercise and lasts 12 weeks. Over the course of the programme you are encouraged to build up your weekly activity levels by attending at least 2 - 3 sessions each week.
How much support will I get?
Our Activity on Referral instructors have been trained to work with people with the health conditions and will know how your condition will affect exercise and what exercise you can do. They will therefore ensure that you are supported to exercise safely.
Where can I have my Initial Consultation?
Your consultation meeting will take place at one of the following centres although you will have access to five leisure centres during the 12 weeks:
o Lings Forum Leisure Centre, NN3 8JR
o Danes Camp Leisure Centre, NN4 ORX
o Mounts Baths Leisure Centre, NN1 3DN
What will I need to wear and what shall I bring to the sessions?
Please wear trainers and comfortable clothing – for example tracksuit bottoms or other loose trousers and no denim for gym / class based sessions. Please take along any relevant medication.
I am really unfit, will the scheme be suitable for me?
The instructors are trained to work with people who have health conditions similar to you, and will encourage you to work at a level suitable for your health and fitness level whilst still motivating you.
What if I need someone to come with me?
You will not be allowed to simply ‘bring a friend’ along to exercise, but it is fine to bring someone along with you to support you if you wish. This may be applicable to non-English speaking participants or people with carers. This person will not need to pay but cannot use any of the equipment.
What happens when I finish?
At week 12 of the programme, you will have gained the confidence, knowledge, motivation and skills to exercise independently without the support of the Activity on Referral instructor. To continue with the benefits of exercise you should participate in 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 times a week. At your final review, you will be provided with other activities you should continue with to maintain and develop your exercise levels. Finally, you will be given the opportunity to continue your membership at a discounted rate.
What will I learn by participating in the scheme?
During the sessions you will learn how physical exercise can positively affect your health and well-being. You will have the opportunity to meet new people, understand your body’s needs and enjoy yourself.
What is the cost?
£22 per month committed for 3 months followed by a rolling monthly contract. A further cost of £20 admin and consultation fee is payable upfront.
Patient Feedback...

"I have found the gym to be very beneficial as I have a paralyzed diaphragm which affects my breathing, I have found that by doing a lot of cardio work it alleviates my breathing difficulties. I have lost weight and by following the plan that Chris set out for me has been very helpful. As this is a lifelong condition I will need to continue with the gym in order to maintain a good quality of life. I think the activity referral plan is an excellent idea and very beneficial."
"Personally, I'm pleased being encouraged to be pro-active about my own health, rather than end up being yet another burden on our cash-strapped NHS."
"It has been really helpful to have a programme set out to suit my needs and my instructor (Will) plus my physiotherapist have been key in working out the specific exercises that I need to do."
"I am very pleased at being referred to the Trilogy Gym. As well as the gym equipment I enjoy very much the Pilates and exercise classes. I don't weigh myself often but I feel fitter and the lower back ache I used to wake up to in the morning as gone, I don't get it anymore. It's good to get out and about too."
"I find going to the gym regularly helps me stick to healthier eating as well. Best of all, I ENJOY going .......... not least because of the friendliness of staff and customers alike - not at all as intimidating as I might have thought previously."